Lab of Machine Learning
- Chengdu, Sichuan 610500, China.
- Office: B509 Mingli Hall
- Telephone: +86 - 135 4068 5200
- Fax: +86 - 28 8303 7686
- E-mail: minfanphd at 163 dot com
- 韦恩州立大学钟子春老师来我院作学术报告2024-07-01
- 实验室参加2024年粒计算与知识发现计算模型学术研讨会2024-03-26
- 实验室参加2024年粒计算与知识发现计算模型学术研讨会2024-03-26
- Smale实验室十周年庆2024-01-20
- 骆剑承教授及其团队至Smale实验室交流2024-01-11
- 骆剑承教授至Smale实验室交流2023-12-05
- 实验室学生至西南财大参加可信联邦学习冬令营活动2023-11-15
- 实验室至阿德莱德参加ICMLC国际会议2023-07-20
- Smale实验室2020级成员毕业快乐2023-06-16
- Smale博士生开题答辩圆满举行2023-05-30
- 实验室师生参加第九届全国智能信息处理学术会议2023-05-23
- 实验室成立10周年合影留念2023-05-15
- 2021级硕士生王林蓉同学在《IEEE TGRS》上发表论文2023-04-11
- 实验室在计算机科学顶级期刊《Pattern Recognition》上发表论文2023-01-17
- Smale参加全国第十九届中国研究生数学建模竞赛,6只队伍获奖2022-12-20
- “全球前2%高影响力科学家”名单公布,机器学习研究中心闵帆教授榜上有名2022-10-18
- 三支粒计算课题组在信息科学顶级期刊《Information Sciences》上发表论文2022-09-12
- 实验室在计算机科学顶级期刊《IEEE TSMC》上发表论文2022-09-10
- 多示例课题组在计算机科学顶级期刊《IEEE TSMC》上发表论文2022-09-08
- Smale实验室2019级成员毕业快乐2022-06-01
- 实验室师生参加2022年亚太知识发现和数据挖掘会议学术会议2022-05-19
- 实验室师生参加2021年中国粒计算与知识发现学术会议2022-01-06
- 闵帆教授参加中国计算机学会青年计算机科技论坛2021-09-25
- 闵帆教授、张恒汝教授应邀到乐山师范学院开展学术讲座2021-09-22
- SMALE2021秋季运动会2021-09-12
- 祝贺闵帆教授获得西南石油大学“第一届优秀研究生导师伯乐奖”2021-06-27
- SMALE实验室2018级成员顺利毕业2021-06-26
- 闵帆教授应邀到安庆师范大学作学术报告2021-05-30
- 程玉胜教授来我校专题讲座2021-05-09
- 李华雄副教授、刘盾教授、贾修一副教授、黄兵教授、冯林教授和于洪教授来我校专题讲座2021-04-26
- 川庆地研院陈杰所长来SMALE实验室交流2021-04-25
- SMALE三位成员荣获国家奖学金2021-04-24
- 闵帆教授受邀到川庆地研院做技术讲座2021-04-22
- 闵帆教授参加四川省人工智能学会第一届理事会第二次会议2021-03-30
- SMALE2021春季辩论赛2021-03-26
- SMALE2021春季运动会2021-03-21
- 实验室师生参加2020 年中国粒计算与知识发现学术会议2020-11-04
- 实验室成员参加2020年知识工程与分布智能专委会工作会议2020-11-03
- 闵帆教授参加四川省人工智能学会第一次会员代表大会2019-12-23
- 闵帆教授参加“2019年粒计算与不确定性分析学术研讨会暨粒计算与知识发现专委会走进渤海大学”活动2019-12-05
- 机器学习实验室论文写作系列讲座三2019-11-22
- 机器学习实验室论文写作系列讲座二2019-11-15
- 实验室成员参加第六届智能数字油田开放论坛暨iDOF2019年会2019-11-09
- 闵帆教授参加ICCIS2019国际学术会议交流2019-11-03
- 机器学习实验室论文写作系列讲座一2019-11-01
- 实验室成员参加2019年中国人工智能学会第八次全国会员代表大会暨粒计算与知识发现常委会2019-10-27
- 闵帆教授在西昌学院开展了“三支主动学习研究进展”讲座2019-10-21
- 一年一度SMALE好声音圆满结束2019-10-19
- 闵帆教授参加浙江海洋大学召开的2019年粒计算与大数据分析学术研讨会暨粒计算与知识发现专委会2019-10-10
- 实验室19级进群表演以及干部换届仪式2019-10-09
- Davide Ciucci 副教授关于知识表示和机器学习的讲座2019-09-25
- Orthopairs: Knowledge Representation and Machine Learning2019-09-23
- 闵帆教授团队参加2019年中国粒计算与知识发现学术会议2019-08-15
- 实验室邀请Robert M. Pullis教授分享科技文章写作2019-07-03
- 实验室邀请王长忠教授分享基于粒计算的属性约简理论与方法2019-06-29
- 实验室邀请李晶晶教授分享多视角学习和迁移学习2019-06-06
- SMALE实验室张恒汝、张智恒博士学位论文答辩2019-05-23
- 2019年SMALE实验室春节年会2019-01-24
- 2019年寒假魔鬼培训2019-01-19
- 17th grade graduates’ meeting of defense opens2018-12-27
- IEEE International Conference of Big Knowledge2018-11-11
- 2018CGCKD Second Standing Committee meeting2018-11-11
- Our laboratory participated in the 2018 forum of rough Sets, granular Computing and three decisions2018-10-28
- Prof. Fan Min attended the first China-Canada Data Intelligence International Conference and the 6th (three-point decision-making and granular computing forum) in Xi'an2018-10-22
- Prof. Fan Min attended the Hanzhong City Artificial Intelligence and Equipment Manufacturing Industry Development and Innovation Research Report2018-09-28
- Prof. Fan Min attended the 2018 acdemic symposium of granular computation and data mining2018-09-23
- Paper awards of SMALE Lab2018-09-20
- Lecture of application research of Net-Tree2018-09-12
- Students autonomous committee election of lab of Machine Learning was held2018-08-31
- The conference of China Granular Computing and Knowledge Discovery has been held successfully2018-08-14
- Smale Lab undertook CGCKD 2018 conference work2018-08-14
- Dr. Fan Min attended Academic Symposium on Formal concept analysis and Granular Computing 20182018-06-05
- 2018 China Granular Computing and Knowledge Discovery Conference Paper Recommendation Seminar2018-04-14
- Dr. Guo-Yin Wang gave a talk in Southwest Petroleum University2018-04-13
- Dr. Duo-Qian Miao gave a talk in Southwest Petroleum University2018-04-13
- Dr. Fan Min attended 'Big data and the construction of smart campus'2017-12-14
- Dr. Fan Min attended Academic Symposium on Granular Computing and intelligent data analysis 20172017-11-29
- Dr. Fan Min attended 'Uncertainty modeling and cognitive computing forum for large data learning in 2017'2017-11-18
- Dr. Fan Min attended BDCL2017-11-08
- Fu-Lun Liu gave a talk titled 'Academic Research Report sharing meeting'2017-11-03
- Dr. Fan Min gave a talk in China University of Petroleum (Eastern China)2017-10-15
- Dr. Heng-Ru Zhang gave a talk titled 'code analysis of GloMA'2017-10-12
- Dr. Fan Min attended ICDMM 2017 in Beijing2017-09-19
- Dr. Fan Min gave a talk titled 'Good Chinese = Good English'2017-09-06
- The lab attended the Rough sets summer school 20172017-09-05
- Smale new semester meeting (2017 fall)2017-09-04
- Dr. Fan Min attented the 2017 Workshop on Big Data and Granular Computing2017-09-01
- Our school successfully hosted the 2017 Standing Committee of the CRSSC Committee2017-08-18
- Dr. Zichun Zhong from Wayne State University give a talk in the school2017-08-03
- Fang & Liu attended CCML 2017 in Tianjin2017-08-01
- Our school held the 4th Intelligent Digital Oilfield Open Forum2017-07-26
- Yu Fang attended the “2017 Workshop of FCA and Grc” in Xi'an2017-07-23
- Zhang & Xu attended IJCRS 2017 in Poland2017-07-11
- Our school will host CRSSC-CWI-CGrC-3WD 20182017-05-31
- Granular computing and data analysis forum 20162016-12-04
- 2016 Symposium on uncertain data analysis2016-12-30
- Intelligent computing and uncertainty analysis symposium 2016-11-07
- “Three-way recommender systems based on random forest”included in ESI2016-09-27
- A visit by Professor Guowei Yang from UESTC 2016-09-24
- SMALE teachers and students to participate in the 2016 International Conference on machine learning and Cybernetics2016-09-19
- The new students' management regulations passed by the student union2016-09-15
- The lab attended the CRSSC-CWI-CGrC 20162016-08-17
- The lab attended the FCA&GC 20162016-08-03
- Dr. Fan Min, Professor, attended the Academic Salon by CQUPT2016-07-04
- Dr. Chaodong Tan, Professor, visited the SMALE2016-07-03
- Zhi-Heng Zhang, Shuang-Bo Sun attended the academic activities in ChengDu2016-06-07
- Fan Min, Heng-Ru Zhang attended the BDGC 2016 .2016-05-21
- Some members of the Lab attended the academic activities in Sichuan University2016-05-11
- A forum concerned about big data technology applied in petroleum engineering held by SMALE2016-05-09
- Fan Min gave a talk in Beijing Institute Of Fashion Technology2016-04-16
- Fan Min gave a talk in China University of Petroleum2016-04-14
- Fan Min attended the academic activities in Jiangsu University Of Science And Technology2016-04-10
- Fan Min, Heng-Ru Zhang, Min Wang, Xin-lin Dong, Bin-hao Mou and Hong-jie Wang Attended BDDM20162016-03-28
- Yi-Yu Yao, Professor, Cost-Sensitive Sequential Three-Way Decisions2016-0323
- The new students' management regulations was passed2016-01-13
- Wen-Qi Liu, Professor, Public data quality under the background of big data2016-01-09
- Dr. Shaojie Qiao, Associate Professor, Uncertain trajectory prediction of moving objects2016-01-06
- Fan Min visited China University of Petroleum -Beijing2015-12-25
- Three members of our lab successfully applied for the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training for College Students2015-12-10
- Ji Dong won the academic achievement award of Southwest Petroleum University 20152015-12-08
- Yu-Wan He, Heng-Ru Zhang and Fan Min won the best paper prize of IJCRS 20152015-11-24
- Fan Min visited Zhejiang Ocean University2015-11-16
- A friendly basketball game was held successfully2015-11-10
- A table tennis competition was held successfully2015-10-30
- Fan Min attended IFEDC 20152015-09-23
- The new students' management regulations passed by the student union2015-09-04
- Fan Min, Fu-Lun Liu Attended CRSSC-CWI-CGRC20152015-08-13
- Fan Min, Heng-Ru Zhang, Li Jian and Ji Dong Attended ICMLC & ICWAPR20152015-07-16
- The ademic report preview of ICMLC & ICWAPR20152015-07-10
- Dr. Fan Min was invited to Sichuan University For Nationalities and attended the academic activities2015-06-03
- Academic reports on three-way decision and big data2015-05-24
- Machine learning laboratory successfully held the first sports meeting2015-04-27
- Professor Qinghua Hu is invited to give a talk titled The challenge in the era of big data2015-04-25
- Associate Professor Xiao Wu is invited to give a talk titled Internet multimedia big data2015-04-25
- Dr. Fan Min attended academic activities in three universities in Jiangsu province2015-04-16
- Professor Weizhi Wu is invited to give a talk titled Theory and applications of granular labelled partitions in multi-scale decision tables2015-04-03
- Fan Min and Xu He Attended RSKT20142014-10-31
- Heng-Ru Zhang Attended GrC20142014-10-23
- Post-doctoral Bing Shi is invited to give a talk titled Several Problems about Mobile Service Data Mining2014-09-18
- The vice president Ling Wang visits our lab 2014-09-05
- Dr. Min Attended Conference CRSSC-CWI-CGrC 20142014-08-11